Fall 2024 Event Registration
November 8 & 9, 2024, Caesar Krauss Memorial Great War Site

Please note that all participants will be required to check in at the registration shed, in order for their unit to get credit for their attendance.  Check-in will be nearly instantaneous if your information is complete and you have your QR code with you (on your phone or printed).  Name lookups and completion of any missing information will take a little bit more time.  Your fellow members thank you for your cooperation.

Once you submit your registration and sign your waiver, you will receive a confirmation email. If you have paid by card, that confirmation email will contain your QR code. If you choose offline payment via PayPal or check, you will receive an initial confirmation email without a QR code, and then once your payment is received and confirmed by a human on the GWA side, your registration will be complete and you’ll receive a second confirmation email that contains your QR code at that time. 

Registration closes in::

NaN days, NaN hours, NaN minutes, NaN seconds

Registration Options

  • For those who have already paid dues in 2024

  • For those who have not yet paid dues in 2024

  • Covers parking lot vendor space only at the Newville site; no trench area access

Personal Information

Vehicle Information

Vehicle information is being collected to allow a means of locating the owner of any vehicle involved in a parking issue or emergency situation. These fields have been made mandatory to facilitate smooth and efficient check-in for everybody. Thank you!

Unit Affiliation

Safety Trainings*

  • Formation Safety Briefing

    Formation Safety Briefing

    Standard safety briefing at formation at the beginning of every event. Required for all attendees.

  • New Member Safety Training

    New Member Safety Training

    This training is mandatory for all first-time attendees, as well as members who have not attended an event in the past 5 years.

Assumption of Risk / Liability Waiver

In order to complete your registration, you will be asked to attest that you will attend the mandatory safety briefing and abide by all safety regulations and instructions of safety officers.

Following is a link to the full Safety Regulations:  Safety_Regulations_for_the_Great_War_Association_2019-Final.pdf

A signed liability waiver will be required for every participant before you can download your QR code. Instructions will display on the payment confirmation page.




Payment Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software